Monday, January 7, 2019

What Could We Add, Introduce or DO to Bring a Better Message?

Here is what I just Googled (see search results here).......and surprisingly, many, MANY of these images are ours. Many - meaning perhaps, that we have generated a LOT of content over the five or six years we've been around. Does anyone ever notice, follow or share on any other network?

We know we have never caught the eye of the official big guys who advocate for spending locally - and to be honest, that's sad. There is a wealth of great information, tools and resources on some of these websites and Facebook pages but they don't seem to have many people following them for the real meat and potatoes kind of content. So I ask you, good folks who follow us, do you think you could benefit from learning more about implementing programs or starting a local effort in your town?

I ask this because to be perfectly honest, with the small amount of engagement some of these pages have, it seems not many people are taking advantage of their data or signage or materials which could potentially open doors to communication in your own community. While we have kind of felt ignored by many who offer such messages (and yeah, it stings a little to have folks ignore us when we HAVE for years been offering solid information, sharing articles of value, etc regarding the whole decision-making process of spending locally), it does make me wonder IF there could ever be any way to deliver MORE of this message to you.

Do you currently belong to an organization or nonprofit effort where you live that seeks to educate and advocate for spending locally, holding and supporting area events and business to business networking?

I sure wish we could do more to further this effort and from time to time, like today, I start turning ideas over in my head regarding possibilities. Got ideas? Let's hear 'em, add a comment, tag a friend or offer your suggestions on what YOU think could further this movement in support of our independents. Thank you.


Live Local, USA • "Sharing the Love of
Small Business from Coast to Coast" 
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