Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Back To Basics | "Why Local Businesses Matter" in Black and White

It's Labor Day weekend '18 and I'm trying to come up with something inspiring to post - something timely which might fit in with the holiday theme about the American worker, people dedicated to a passion such as their small businesses we love so much. I'm struggling for unique words to explain why local choices are better or perhaps find a different way to illustrate the importance of small businesses and mom and pop-run establishments.

Maybe what I need isn't going to be found or identified as "new material" but perhaps a better angle or platform with which to reach people. I believe there are others out there who share these views and a love of the independent businesses of America - there must be folks who would want to join this cause and help spread the word, right? Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way?

Maybe what we need isn't more words and graphics but more people to participate as ambassadors and spokespeople for the little businesses. Over time, I've noticed many of our friends and circles of peeps that we love and hang out with have begun to gravitate towards local sources. It's more common that we will select an independent eatery over a chain these days; choose a family-owned diner for breakfast instead of a chain location; consider our options a bit more carefully. Maybe what we need is more of us who are willing to speak up and fight to keep our towns and main streets places worth visiting or distinctive destinations with character. What can we do to ensure that such a vibrant economic network will not only exist but thrive and survive?

Maybe what is needed is to just be honest and straightforward, perhaps reaching out to invite friends and family to enjoy the quality of the amazing places we all know and love. And so, in that line of thought, we changed our graphics back to black and white ones. Yep. Nothing fancy or cutesty or with those sayings about small biz owners doing a happy dance. Just plain, basic, down to earth black and white images with a simple message. After all, if you love where you live, it shouldn't be that difficult to speak up and tell people, right?

  • We invite you JOIN US in this effort and to become a part of the place where you live.
  • Speak up for what makes a flavorful community with a one-of-a-kind vibe.
  • Tag us when visiting your local favorites. Tell us what specialties or unique qualities define them.
  • Share our posts on social media to educate and encourage and educate others to participate.
  • Consider events which strengthen connections in your town or city.
  • Pass on suggestions to friends for dining, shopping and "living local" right in your neighborhood.
  • Remember to leave a review detailing a wonderful experience you had - or fill out a comment card if you believe improvement is needed.
  • Give your feedback to town leaders.
  • Invite your friends to follow our page on Facebook.
  • Attend a meeting or workshop to discuss what works to build a healthy economic presence.
  • Add our hashtags to your online comments: #livelovelocal, #smallbusinessmatters, #loveyourlocal and #livelocalUSA
  • Consider events which strengthen connections in your town or city.

We do these things here where we live because our independents are worth it. Are yours?

Live Local, USA • "Sharing the Love of
Small Business from Coast to Coast" 
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