Monday, December 21, 2020

When Times Got Tough, You Rose To The Challenge

It's almost Christmas 2020, and I can't help but reflect back over the past year filled with crises, uncertainty, unrest and concern. During the last nine months and this holiday, the strong, tough, and determined business owners, have more than just "shown up", you've chosen to SHINE.

You have weathered the storms, handled each crisis that has come your way, dealt with criticism and comments and odd reactions from people on social media with grace and poise..... every single day of 2020 you have done so much more than "show up". I'm so proud of all of you....touched by your determination....and inspired by your strength.

Small business owners are undoubtedly a special kind of people, which of course, we already knew, but in the past nine months, long weeks and endless ups and downs, we've seen the true spirit and steadfast character of entrepreneurs-turned-warriors.

Take a few minutes today and let that sink in. Reflect on all you have learned in 2020 and how much smarter, innovative and better the year has made you. No matter what happens next, you can hold your head high knowing you faced incredible obstacles and rose to overcome them every step of the way.

A blog about independent businesses, the heart and soul
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