Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"Local Spending is All About Better Choices"

Posted on our Facebook page today, after someone got annoyed at what we said. That happens occasionally..... not often, but it happens. They said they had never "felt so guilt tripped to go shop at walmart"......and we just don't know what to say to that. 😕

First of all, if you're reading this page, it's because you wanted to be here, on your own. No one is forcing anyone to read our posts. Secondly, we're sorry if anyone feels offended by the content or material we share. If it bothers you that's regrettable, but only 2-3 people have complained in a lot of years. So we just wanted to say it's nothing personal....if you feel neighborhoods, towns and places to live are better with one giant big box store, by all means, live there and be happy with one choice. If, however, you like the idea of variety and diversity and having lots of choices that all help contribute to a better place to live, then we're thrilled to have you here.

Now about this image and it's message; not posting it to rile up's just well, a fact. Businesses without customers cannot stay open, and whether they close because of lack of sales, folks moving away of just owners wanting to retire, there are still some things WE can do if we want to see our communities flourish. As always, it is entirely your choice, your decisions. We just feel - despite it not being the most popular position we could have - that it's our role/responsibility to point out truths and facts. If you read this far and are still with us, thank you. We value you too.

Choose better by spending with independent businesses
(and real people!) where you live. Connect & follow @