Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Promoting Local-ness: Ensuring An Authentic and Real Flavor for Local Visitors

I thought this was a particularly relevant post from the folks over at Tourism Currents. While they may have had a marketing approach in mind, I think this is super important topic for anyone who wishes to promote their community, along with giving guests and visitors a special and fulfilling experience. So important, in face, that smack dab in the middle of an absolutely insane week, I'm digressing to expand about their short and simple statement.

Let's ask this question; how would you like it if you traveled to a small town - let's say Luray, Virginia - and upon checking into your hotel, you asked about nearby places to eat. Would you be pleased to hear there is a Denny's a few miles up the road? or excited to learn the employee's recommend Chili's for dinner?


We're NOT excited about hearing the same old boring, bland, soulless chain names! After all, we just wrangled time off and away from work, got a cat sitter, hired someone to check the mail and mow the grass, loaded the family and countless pieces of luggage into the car, and drove to this town in the Shenandoah Valley.....only to hear that a slice of local flavor is a chain restaurant?


That's not what most people want to hear, and yet, how many independently-owned hotels take the time to enlighten both their team members and visitors? Personally, I'd make up a flyer or brochure to hand out to travelers, referencing the superb indie breakfast joint, historic diner for lunch, famous pizza shop that's in it's third generation of family ownership - WHY? Because if your guests have a real and vibrant experience - are able to find and enjoy the authentic businesses nearby - they will likely remember their vacation and be eager to return!

** We can't focus enough on the power of incorporating local-ness (yes, I made up a word just for this post), into every aspect of our business operations. Not only is this type of thinking healthy for the nearby economy, it promotes jobs and the future sustainability of this tiny dot on a map - AND such efforts help to keep choices around. **

Thanks Tourism Currents for your statement which launched this overly-lengthy post! (it's been a very, VERY long month over here, and I'm probably rambling a bit). 😁


Choose better. Spend with independently-owned businesses
(and real people!) where you live. Follow "Live Local USA" on