Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why Can't Consumers Find Independent Businesses?

PLANTS. Hanging baskets, coleus, those things with the big leaves, tall orange lilies, potted plants, flowering bushes....etc. It's that time of year people are buying and planting these things, right? Right. And where are we buying them? Does it occur to the average consumer to look a little harder for a locally-owned greenhouse or family farm, or are we just blindly heading down the road to a big box store?

Guess what my neighbor told me tonight.


You'll never guess.

I was admiring her plants, because she's got a gift of being able to keep things alive, unlike me, who can barely care for a cactus, and she explained there is no where around here to buy plants, so she just goes to Lowes. Ugh. I tried not to let my face crinkle up like it does when people brag about going to chain stores, because many folks really do seem to be brainwashed into thinking those are the ONLY options, so I mentioned a couple of places nearby; she said well, that would be great, but she's never noticed any of them and had no clue they were there. So....Lowes. 😒

Deep breath.

It would be nice if we as people put a teeny tiny bit of energy and effort into looking for better options, wouldn't it?

There must be at least 7 (SEVEN) indie flower/plant retail locations between here and Lowes or Home Depot......and yet, people don't want to look, are unaware HOW to look, or completely clueless about where to find information on their own. (bangs head).

Not bashing neighbor.

Just concerned our world has stopped thinking for themselves.....and wondering HOW we address this, because if we do NOT see businesses working really hard to grow their visibility with a thriving marketing campaign, what is the long term prognosis here? Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?

P.S. When I entered the world of "caring more about where I spend" years ago, one of my go-to places was Independent We Stand, which listed loads of small business owned by real people, on their website. I don't know how many others used that resource - I know I did - but now that they have ceased operations, there is no central directory of indie businesses that I  know of. If you do, hop on over to our Facebook page and let me know, would you?

"Spend Better" - by choosing independently-owned businesses (and real people!) where you live. Follow us as "Live Local USA" on our social channels below!