Thursday, May 9, 2024

Could We Be a More Focused "Local Movement"?

Thursday May 9th: Some days I pause for a few seconds and think.....what if I did this full-time, this semi-obsessive pursuit of small business promotion? πŸ€” And then I think, well, that would drive people away from the page pretty darn fast if I was posting even more, writing blogs and dumping the chaos of stuff out of my brain. πŸ˜‚

And then (thankfully!), a sense of reality returns and I realize that would probably be overkill, because unless I really want to go big or go home, the only thing that would really work would be to launch an entire brand around the love of independently owned and operated gems. My head hurts just thinking about itπŸ˜„, and so for now, we continue as is, although only about 10% of what I write gets posted. Maybe down the road there will be more....

In any case....a huge and sincere "THANK YOU" goes out to all who participate in this endeavor; who follow, comment, share, join in conversation, etc., because without you, there would be nothing. Maybe in some sort of a teeny tiny way, sometimes we actually do open or enlighten a mind, plant the seed of "thinking small biz 1st", or encourage a bit of change. Maybe. πŸ’•


"Spend Better" - by choosing independently-owned businesses (and real people!) where you live. Follow us as "Live Local USA" on our social channels below!