Monday, June 17, 2024

Start With a Locally-Grown Tomato...or Two

Slow down. Yes, you....even though you are cruising along on your way home, thinking of the groceries you need to pick up.....instead, pull off the road at that little produce stand up ahead, or make a turn into an area farmer's market, and just.....explore. It's summer, and summer is for adventures and discovery, right?

What begins as a humble tomato purchase from a roadside stand may wind up with you actually getting to speak with the person who grew it, which in turn, will most likely get you all crazily excited thinking "omigosh, how seriously cool is this I'm talking to the grower of what is going to sit on our dining room table tonight!!".  And that's going to make you want to ask questions and get all giddy when the farmer tells you his sweet corn will be available on X date, or that you should stop by for their incredible watermelons later in the summer. And in the meantime, all the other items you're now starting to eye up, are looking better and better....and he mentions they were just picked a hour ago and are still warm from basking in the sun....

I mean REALLY!! Who gets all this kind of vibrant life experience from a tomato!?? Well, it could be YOU. Or me. Or that neighbor you pass this onto. Heck, it could be an entire herd of people you inspire just by sharing this post in one of your community groups and saying "hey folks, looky here, I think we could DO more good in our own corner of the world by stopping and buying locally-grown items and supporting our farm neighbors"....And that's how change begins.

NOW, who's ready for some tomatoes?

"Spend Better" - by choosing independently-owned businesses (and real people!) where you live. Follow us as "Live Local USA" on our social channels below!