Back in September the owners had been very kind to me with a community project we were doing. As one of the only people who welcomed us to set up for the afternoon to connect with people, it really struck me that in town of forgotten buildings and departed businesses, that so many folks were coming to their restaurant that day. In the middle of the week, during the day. Because they are worth it.
When will community leaders "get it"? These laws and zoning restrictions and parking issues ARE fixable. Rulings can be changed and properties can be rezoned - but many small towns are already losing the things that matter - and yet when they have something wonderful come in, they don't seek to retain it. I'm floored. Here is the facebook post from the local newspaper, Crisfield-Somerset Times
Some of the comments on this topic show clearly how people feel.
"Why would the city REALLY want to deny the waiver?? Common sense. Please use common sense. Please waive this OR convert your picnic area to a parking lot. Closing this restaurant would be ONE more dagger in the back for this town! IS that what you really want??"
"I am completely dumbfounded by this. Why would "town leaders" want to give a thriving business such trouble? Common sense should prevail.... I support the restaurant...."
"This is ridiculous. Given the current economic status of the city it would be more prudent to grant a waiver. Preserving the existence of a thriving business that is loved and desired by the community should be enough to support a waiver. In addition perhaps it's time to review existing ordinances for their relevance in today's environment."
UPDATE 10/28/15: "Crisfield's parking problems to be addressed" - post from the Crisfield-Somerset County Times https://www.facebook.com/CSCountyTimes/posts/1160786617279592
UPDATE 12/3/15: Cash registers stolen from Crisfield cafe

Water's Edge Cafe is located in downtown Crisfield, Maryland.