April 1st • The amount of "support local" graphics, recent surge in economic development groups and organizations is mind boggling. Great image from Peroria, Illinois because I think we NEED the reminder that its NOT for just a day or a week - spending with the independent businesses where you live is a lifestyle.

April 1st • How many of us are currently involved in community building efforts? I'm seeing so many places suddenly working to launch a local movement or put a spotlight on their neighborhood and independent businesses.
April 2nd • image courtesy of the South Tampa Chamber of Commerce
April 3rd • Did you know this? I'm sure you do, but in light of recent knee-jerk reactions to our economy it seems many people are misunderstanding what it actually means. I suddenly realize this is such a critical point for many folks that I'm considering dumping a bunch of my graphics which don't clearly state the difference.
April 4th • Make the effort. Look up the companies which have faithfully provided service to your neighborhood for decades. People first = community.
April 5th • Spending with a real person, at a brick and mortar in your neighborhood isn't difficult....however, we sometimes forget to make the extra little bit of effort that is required. (NOTE: That's NOT a good reason to skip using our independent businesses!) Keep in mind the value which comes from helping your community maintain a distinctive vibe and unique flavor, by making the extra effort to "Love Local".....because small business matters.

April 7th • If we plan to support our independents now, they will thrive and recover more quickly once they are able to reopen. And, once we commit to making these choices part of our daily lives, new habits and relationships can be formed which benefit the entire community.
April 7th • It's time to connect, educate, enlighten. #SmallBusinessRevival

April 8th • When this is all over we could be stronger than ever.

April 9th • The problem which we now face is not specifically this virus. It's an evolution which has been growing for a long time, highlighted by this massive shutdown in retail activity, of consumers forgetting the roots which you and I put down when we signed a lease or real estate contract and flipped the sign on our front door to "Open". What matters now and in the months ahead is how we go forward.
April 10th • I think maybe we're at a crossroads and a turning point, right now, during this new world of quarantine and stay at home orders and people wearing masks in grocery stores ......
April 10th • A post to share with a business owner or favorite independent. Tell them how they matter to you.
April 11th • Why do mom and pop businesses matter? Does it really affect anyone if you spend locally at home vs online? See for yourself how the process works!
A voice for small business, the heart and soul of our communities and towns.
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