I can honestly say the concept of being this isolated - and how surreal it feels - would probably never have crossed my mind. As an introvert it seemed perfect for the first few days and then I started missing the lovely couple at the pet supply store where I shop.....they recently adopted a new dog, by the way....but I don't know how it's going because there's no option for conversation and chatting right now. I realize I got used to smiles from the nice gentleman who sweeps the floors and collects the carts at our local family-owned grocery store..... yeah, okay maybe I did think the guy who owns the little corner restaurant was sort of grumpy sometimes... but the food and everyone else made up for it. I MISS MY PEOPLE. They are genuine instead of swiping my screen to shop online.... relationships in my life I value rather than automated customer service messages and emails....they are an irreplaceable piece of our lives. That, to me, is the essence of local love and independent places....but you already knew this, didn't you?
April 11th • You can help save your peeps from a life of meaningless clicks and brown cardboard boxes. Invite someone to go exploring locally as soon as lockdown ends • suggest a different indie restaurant for take out dinner tonight • post pics of your favorite places on social media and tag the owner - because our choices matter.
April 12th • Buying Small Makes a Big Difference - while written with a focus on Small Business Saturday, this piece highlights several essential points useful anytime. "In a day where we can get whatever we want with a quick shout to “Alexa,” is there even a need to have a brick and mortar store in your neighborhood? You bet there is!" - and - "One of the other benefits to brick and mortar shops is the social factor. If we sit on our computer all day working/shopping and not talking to anyone day after day, we lose the connection we as humans crave."
April 13th • The reality and truth of our situations all over this country, is each time you order from Amazon, shop online or drive to the big box warehouse stores, you chip away at the stability of your own community. Follow, share and start conversations where you live!
April 13th • Be a local hero. Speak up for small business.
April 13th • Do people really want to substitute relationships and roots in their communities for the mindlessness of one click ordering? Might this be the time to invite change - because if not now, then WHEN? After what we've been going through this past month, doesn't it seem like the time to write a heartfelt letter to your customers, send an outline of community rebuilding ideas to local leaders or start up a conversation where you live?
April 14th • We love this image from Local First Arizona, which captures the emotions so many of us have towards our favorite places.
April 16th • Good ideas - but please, DO spend with your favorite independents as well!

April 16th • Right now in America, anxiety is the new normal - and when you look at all that has changed over the past couple of weeks, it’s not hard to see why. "In Tough times, Our Community Becomes Our Safety Net"
April 17th • Brilliant ideas here! I really wish i could remember where I saw this to give proper credit but unfortunately there is no name on it. Has your community created one of these? Share with us!
April 18th • Many of you write wonderful posts to your followers and beloved customers, reminding them how important it is to support local businesses. Want to share your message with us? Inspire others to remember the reasons small business matters!
April 19th • Lenawee County, Michigan: Buy Local - Support Small Business | "Lenawee County businesses need your support during this unprecedented time. In the coming weeks, we encourage those who are able to show support to our local business community and nonprofits. Think local first when doing your online shopping, many local stores are operating safely within the law and are here to support you."
April 20th • During these times - and heck, anytime, as long as it benefits your indie business owners - showing support with online orders is a good thing.
April 21st • We're currently following the hashtag #ShopLocalNow!
A voice for small business, the heart and soul of our communities and towns.
Follow hashtags #loveyourlocal and #LiveLocalUSA and connect with us @