Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Why I Choose, Use and Love An Independently-Owned Auto Repair Shop

I just came across this picture on my computer, taken on a beautiful and hot summer Saturday when my faithful and beloved bus, aka dog hauler, ground to a halt, accompanied by loud and ominous sounds. The other half likes to ride motorcycles, so that meant (like most weekends, LOL) that I was on my own, but some nice people helped push me the beast out of the road and I sat on the curb deciding what to do.

For 24 (count 'em....TWENTY FOUR years), we have been in a satisfying and mutually beneficial relationship with an awesome family-owned and operated repair shop (I bring them dead cars and money and they provide me with excellent, reasonable and honest work). It's a shop which is as most normal places are, is open Monday through Friday. Thus, I have ferreted out myself another locally-owned business who is more in the line of work of hauling people's dead vehicles, picking one which offered 24 hour service, 'cause we like to break down at all hours. :/ I called them and they were slammed, crazy busy, giving me an estimate of hours and hours before they could even get over there, on the first super hot day of summer. I decided to push my luck and call the regular peeps anyway just to see....and some young man answers the phone. "No we're not open on weekends"....oh, you're a regular customer? Well, I'm here in the shop working anyway so I can run down and pick you up...." And he did. And I scavenged a ride home, AND the shop owner didn't even charge me for a tow because it was literally right around the corner.

So peeps, the moral of this long-winded tale is that quite often in life, when we choose wisely and support quality businesses which in turn support good people, things work out better. 😀 Share this post on social media and tag someone that fixes your ride today!

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