Thursday, March 3, 2022

Life is NOT All About Convenience

.....if every independent business had a great big brilliantly marquee sign like this....they could tell us how long they'd been around, how much flavor they bring to their city, what their unique story has been over the years or decades they've been a part of our intertwined they are with our lives.

That's something pretty darn magical to find in this day and age, don't you think? Let's ponder this for a minute..... life isn't really just one-dimensional clicks, impersonal email confirmations and instant gratification of online it? No way!! Life is about people, smiles, cool things and refreshingly real connections. If the pandemic taught us ANYTHING, maybe it would be that we do need people and interaction and conversations in our lives! Would you agree? I believe there is an awful lot of stuff that just can't fit into a box dropped off on our front steps - and that's a good thing. 👍🙂

~ just some Thursday night thoughts at the end (almost) of a ridiculously puzzling and odd week......


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