Saturday, March 5, 2022

It's Okay To Wait for Things (Better Decisions Matter)

I've been giving a lot of thought lately to daily choices, spending options and consumerism. Not just for me and my family, but about simple principles which *may* resonate with others as well - people who share in thinking less just might be more - and who subscribe to the theory that independent businesses are indeed a quality decision.

"Local" is not just an attitude to adopt once a year, or on a special occasion, say, for Small Business Saturday or an annual girls weekend. A mindset geared towards spending where we live isn't just a fleeting impulse, a clever hashtag or something to do because it's trending; it's a commitment to better choices, sometimes, which require a bit of thought and planning, because not all local businesses are open eighteen hours a day nor do they have limitless options available in size and color and variety (then again, do we really need all those options?) Maybe it's about a little thing called self restraint, the ability to remind oneself or the kiddies that things do not HAVE to be purchased immediately or as soon as they are seen on tv (I KNOW!)

It's actually okay to wait a week (gasp) for a special order to arrive at the corner bookstore, the one which has been part of your city ever since you can remember, because while two-click online order is fun and easy, those purchases do nothing to support and strengthen the American dream fighting to keep the lights on in your own neighborhood. #shopwhereitmeanssomething

Live Local, USA | Advocating support of independent
Businesses, along with the concept of "spending better" in our communities, towns and cities. Connect with us!