Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Should You Find Yourself Having To Close a Door....

We're a positive kind of movement, and don't dwell on sad stuff too often. However, it's inevitable that we're going to come across some difficult news about a small business closing it's doors from time to time, and so I wanted to share this with you.

I know you've heard this saying before, but as small business owners we tend to eat, breathe and sleep what we do. That makes it incredibly hard for many of us to say goodbye, retire or move on, so this message is for anyone out there who may be feeling down, or as if their world is ending because business has changed and a chapter of your life is coming to a close. If this is you, I've been there and understand exactly how difficult it can be to watch something you loved so much fade away.....and I want you to remember this quote:

“How lucky I am to have something that
makes saying goodbye so hard.”

Small businesses can mean literally everything to the person or people who grew a store or restaurant or any kind of company, from nothing. It is NOT an easy gig, and saying goodbye to a favorite place and beloved customers.... is heart wrenching. And yet, to have had the opportunity to create and make something so special, that is the product of your labor, determination and hard work.....that is the chance of a lifetime.

Live Local, USA | Advocating support of independently-
Owned businesses, along with the concept of "spending better" in our communities, towns and cities. Connect with us!