Monday, June 17, 2024

Start With a Locally-Grown Tomato...or Two

Slow down. Yes, you....even though you are cruising along on your way home, thinking of the groceries you need to pick up.....instead, pull off the road at that little produce stand up ahead, or make a turn into an area farmer's market, and just.....explore. It's summer, and summer is for adventures and discovery, right?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why Can't Consumers Find Independent Businesses?

PLANTS. Hanging baskets, coleus, those things with the big leaves, tall orange lilies, potted plants, flowering bushes....etc. It's that time of year people are buying and planting these things, right? Right. And where are we buying them? Does it occur to the average consumer to look a little harder for a locally-owned greenhouse or family farm, or are we just blindly heading down the road to a big box store?