Thursday, June 20, 2019

This Summer, Get Away From The Familiar Places and "Explore Local"

"Thinking outside the box" ~ it's something we talk a lot about on our Facebook page, because to me it seems that without an open mind you could lose out on chance to do unusual and different things. Perhaps that idea could be included in your summertime plans when deciding where to shop, dine or have fun.

Why not consider options that offer a greater variety of experiences while out of town, over the weekend or maybe just on a mini-road trip with the family? Rather than just going to a resort or theme park for the entire vacation, try exploring the local community and it's small towns and area shops.

Open minded people *may* have better experiences - because when you aren't afraid to step into the smaller stores and the places that don't display a recognizable logo - you are essential saying "hey, let's try something new and different". That's a good thing, because it expands your world, and perhaps that of your kids as well! Your children can be encouraged to branch out too, especially when they see you trying new foods, or by helping them read a menu and select an item which takes a little thought. (After all, not every trip out needs to include a McDonald's where they already know the number of the happy meal!)

And best of all? Adventures such as new options and choices, whether shopping, dining, or just picking up deli sandwiches to go on a day trip or picnic - these experiences can be found everywhere! Look for the tiny general store on a back country road, the kind with old wooden floors that still sells real pickles out of a giant barrel - visit an indie grocery shop offering products which reflect the vibe and culture of another country - or a slightly off-centered coffee shop that sells local honey and granola and trades vinyl records. Yup! These are places where you can't order just a hamburger or patty melt but instead need to take a few minutes to talk to your server and learn about the dishes. Why not stop at a Greek family's food truck, Mexican restaurant or a real Italian delicatessen for example?

Seek out the places where everyone can discover something. Enjoy getting away from the traditional chains and cookie cutter establishments your family has come to know - perhaps a little too well. Plan to "look local" instead and you could be surprised to find a whole new list of experiences out there to love.

Live Local, USA • "Sharing the Love of
Small Business from Coast to Coast"