Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"Where We Spend Now Is What Will Be Around In the Future"

Our independent businesses have been through a lot recently. From learning they had to cease operations back in March to waiting anxiously for news of reopening protocols to completing paperwork and plans and information to submit to local governments just so they could get back to work, 2020 has been one hell of a year already.

Now, as America works to reopen, a double whammy of Covid-related restrictions and limitations emerges, destroying retail sales in countless locations which would have normally enjoyed a robust 4th of July holiday weekend. In one beach town in my state, the sudden requirement of wearing masks everywhere - even on the beach - resulted in massive cancellations of vacation reservations and visitor traffic of less than half of the normal crowds. I'm worried about what lies ahead and more importantly, how long these entrepreneurs can hang on.

If we are, in reality, pausing to think prior to walking through a set of doors, evaluating where our dollars may become the most helpful asset in our communities, that's wonderful and I'm thrilled to hear it. Given human nature however, along with our tendency to choose "easy rather than effort", I suspect quite often, convenience wins out in choices which involve future consequences. If we want to see and advocate positive support for our independent businesses, this is where I believe we must begin to draw and hold a firm line. These are the decisions which will shape - or break - our local economy in years to come.

What we choose to ignore today won't be around in the future. I DO NOT want to see this community - my zip code - a barren wasteland of empty storefronts. I'm doing everything I can to make the extra time to visit, shop, support and be there for the people I love.....because we ARE all in this together. Even when they shortened their hours and it was a pain in the toe to make it there before they closed. Even when I had to start paying with a credit card instead of a check, because I hate using plastic. Even when the normally jovial, pleasant business owners are not chatty because they are stressed and worried.....i am STILL there because I care about the future. Right now, today, I'm wondering how many of us can say the same.

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