Friday, February 12, 2021

What's Next For The Little Page With A Long Name | Go Independent, Shop Small (Anywhere USA)

You have been so kind. 💔 Thank you to all who took the time to write and share your thoughts on what my small efforts with this page has meant to you. I received a number of messages and comments, and took the time last night to read everything because I don't take projects I pour a lot of myself into, lightly.

(In case you missed it, a few days ago I hit a wall - see the post on my Facebook page here): "
This isn't goodbye, it's 'I'm frustrated'. Hitting a wall in different areas of life this month is making me question things I've poured my heart and soul this page/blog/etc. I need to consider where my efforts are most useful because spinning one's wheels isn't a good feeling. I've loved being part of your journey." 💔

As I mull over what else could be done here, there is indeed a sense of frustration that it's not more of a "movement" in support of independently-owned businesses. At one time perhaps I'd thought this might grow into an organization providing networking, membership and resources for small business owners - an "official" type of community - or maybe that I'd partner with someone else in such areas. There are few causes like this one which have relentlessly advocated, encouraged, educated and been a cheerleader for so many aspects of retail and different types of companies over a span of 8 years. There are of course, the larger organizations which are the pillars of so many "shop local" efforts across the country, that do an amazing job at what they do, and then there's me, who perhaps hoped to put a more personal connection with the material offered and types of businesses which have been focused on. Maybe I just thought there was a need to speak up about the things which so many individuals have forgotten about (their economy; goal of a better place to live), pulled away from (willingness to make the effort to spend locally), or ceased to value (personal connections; people; community), and thought I might have an opportunity to make a difference.

I realize now that unless one finds happiness in the choices we make and the actions we take, dissatisfaction creeps in. Yes, in the back of my mind I wanted my efforts to go to a bigger level and yet, with the multiple brands I am a part of, there hasn't been the opportunity to focus solely on this project. So.....I think I should find peace in what I'm doing. Some of my blog posts and topics have been read thousands of times and have served as talking points and sparked discussions; maybe some of my graphics (which although simple, have always attempted to carry an important message), have encouraged others to think more carefully about their choices, and occasionally my thoughts have helped to inspire small business owners during a difficult time. If those are results I'm capable of creating, then perhaps that's exactly the goal of what I set out to do in 2013.

Maybe I could improve my writing or visual design skills, and perhaps I'll introduce a new idea for a partnership in the future (wrote out pages of outline for that last night). If this page has in some way helped you in your journey, I'm honored to have been a part of it - and with your help and feedback I hope that together we can keep brainstorming about ways to better deliver the message that "Small Business Matters".  Thank you for reading and thank you for being part of this evolution. Love you all. 💔

Live Local, USA • "Sharing the Love of
Small Business from Coast to Coast"