Sunday, April 10, 2022

Choices, Decisions, Options: Does Shopping Locally Really Matter?

TODAY'S INSTALLMENT OF: "Why Local Choices Are Better" - An illustration that may be simple in design but which delivers an important message anyone who cares about their town or city may wish to ponder.

Good evening! Tonight we have a brilliantly depicted scene where Tom contemplates his shopping list and wonders if he should shop at an independent brick & mortar retail store OR just go online. Being a smart guy, he decides to head to his local hardware store where he runs into his neighbor. (It's unclear whether the neighbor works there or owns the store), but either way, Mr. Neighbor thanks Tom for stopping in and helping to support a small business.

Happy to realize that spending locally really does matter, Tom exists the store with a bounce in his step and joy in his heart. He made a difference by choosing to go buy from a real person! Way to go Tom. ❤️👏

Choose better - spend with independent businesses
(and real people!) where you live. Follow @