Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fall In Love With Your Favorite Independent Businesses Again

Celebrate the season by making a difference today - enjoy the warm & fuzzy vibes which come from "keeping things local" and ensuring your favorite places remain open.

There is nothing quite as chilling as turning a corner and coming face to face with a ghost town; driving down an empty Main Street; reading graffiti sprawled across empty storefronts. And yet, for all the reminders and information and education, folks still believe the special places will remain open even if they don't choose to spend there. Perhaps it's a sense of "well, they've lasted this long so they will always be there".....but the truth is, running a sustainable business is so much more challenging these days than even ten or twenty years ago. The onslaught of big box stores turned out to be minor in comparison to the consumer shift towards Amazon, and rising costs, materials increases and labor shortages have stretched small business owners literally to the breaking point. Do I love being the angel of gloom and doom? Of course not! I wish there was another set of predictions I could list here, but in the interest of being truthful.....this is reality and it comes down to our individual decisions each and every day. 

Savor the delight of having choices and a variety of retail options.

Keep it simple by looking close to home. "Shop small this fall", and our entire community benefits. 😃

Fall in love with nearby options; drive less and spend better.

Remember to make your plans for upcoming events during November. Small Business Saturday may only happen one day a year, but the focus and spotlight on indie retailers can remain all season long.

Thriving neighborhoods are twice as nice. 🍂🎃🍁

Your spending matters! Make the difference in your community by choosing carefully.

Empty towns are a spooky sight. Shop where you live to keep them bright.

Please consider the choices we make in our zip codes, because although everyday actions may seem small, those are the purchases which build, support and cause independents to thrive or die.

Choose better. Spend with independently-owned businesses
(and real people!) where you live. Follow "Live Local USA" on